My aim for this poll was to gain information about where it is that audience watch music videos created by their favourite artists and which genre of music is currently popular on a small scale of the music industry. Below are my results and findings from the people who took my poll.
What is your gender?
Male: 2
Female: 10
What genre of music do you prefer?
Acoustic/Indie: 7
Pop/Singer/Songwriter: 1
Dance/Electronic: 2
Hip-Hop/rap/R&B: 3
The result from this poll shows that more independent music is becoming more popular than mainstream. Although mainstream is very successful as they have the facilities and advertising methods to gain an audience on a worldwide scale, the small individual labels and more local artists are gaining more popularity as they can gave a more one to one sense of relationship to their fans. Festivals have caused the growth of this as well as youtube which I will go on to discuss for my next poll findings. Local bands and artists can gain their popularity by supporting the more well known music artists and with this they will give out free CDs and links to their social media sites to get more people listening to their work. Its the sense of knowing an artist right from the very start and seeing them grow that i think is the reason why more people are choosing this genre of music over the more popular and media publicised artists as they cant give the one to one connection that independent artists can.
Where do you listen/retrieve your music from?
Youtube: 9
Spotify: 1
iTunes: 1
Physical: 1
The results from this poll also answer the results from the one below showing that more people do listen to music digitally and favourably on youtube. The convergence of media growth makes it much easier for people to discover artists digitally and it has caused a huge decine in physical music purchase. The days of vinyl records and CDs have largely faded and it is digital formats that now dominate the industry. Although some people still buy CDs, they will often tend to listen to tracks where they see music videos on youtube before deciding whether to buy the album physically or not. As youtube is also free there is no stopping audiences quickly checking out what their favourites artists are producing and its this way of advertising that is making artists more and more successful and well known. Not only in terms of successful existing artists but new and upcoming artists also have turned to youtube to advertise themselves whether that be just a voice recording of them singing with an image overlaid or a homemade music video of them performing It allows them to advertise themselves for free and on a much larger scale than if they was to just made a CD and hand it out in their local area. Performing scouts also search youtube for new artists that they will turn into the next big star so it is now the obvious choice of advertising if you want to get yourself known in the industry of music.
Do you watch music videos?
Yes: 11
No: 1
This again highlights the growth in technology and how this new method of advertising is not only being used by the big stars but the news and upcoming as well as audiences across the world.
If you answered yes where do you watch them?
TV: 6
Youtube: 9
Vevo: 3
Other: 1
Overall from my poll I have come to a conclusion that most of my audience who took the poll enjoy Acoustic/Indie Music that they listen to/retrieve from youtube. This method of consumption is also probably the same way a lot express themselves too through homemade music videos or recordings. Youtube allows people on a worldwide scale to not only watch videos but present themselves too helping to gain recognition and show people what they can do. Not only mainstream celebrity artists can be found on youtube but also independent individuals like i just mentioned which relates back to my preferred music genre from my results. It wasn't a surprise to see that only 1 out of 12 people now purchase their music physically due to the increase of globalisation through the growth of the internet. Obviously if I had a larger scale of answers, what I am discussing may be completely different in terms of all the results so what I have said can only be based on my findings alone and not an assumption of the worldwide population.
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