Saturday, 12 October 2013

Tesse Perkins Theory - Stereotypes

Tessa Perkins - 1979 - says that stereotyping is not a simple process. She identifies that some of the many ways that stereotypes are assumed to operate aren't true. As society changes its hard for stereotypes to change to as the stick in society, the same way a nickname sticks after something embarrassing happens as a child. Not all stereotypes are bad and not all of them are good we categorise these ourselves. They are negative concepts about groups with whom we have little or no social contact with, for example 'chavs', but all must have have a bit of truth though or they would not have such influence.

In relation to my music video the stereotype takes place within my genre which is influenced by the ideology of fashion, personality and interests. It is expected for the members of my genre to be arrogant and who think of nothing but drugs, sex and money. This stereotype was formed by the lifestyle of the artists that created this style of music as these features were their lifestyle and aims to achieve. The view grew stronger and stronger as new artists developed it more and more in an explicit way.

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